New Model Army

Great Expectations

New Model Army

When I was young I dreamed and dreamed 
About all the things that I was going to be 
A brave explorer holding court 
Or a really famous astronaut 
Or captain of the England team 
They said "Son, it could all be yours 
You just work hard and pay your dues 
Don't be content with what you've got 
There's always more that you can want 
Everybody's on the make 
That's what made this country great" 

Ch: - So all I wanted in the end 
Was world domination and a whole lot of money to spend 
A little place to call my home 
Like a planet that was all my own 
Well that's not much to ask, it's really not 
It's not much to ask, just the same as everybody else 

So welcome to the free for all 
The smash and grab, the freeloaders ball 
Where everything is here for us 
If we scream, shout, make a fuss 
There's nothing that you can't afford 
With a poisoned tongue and a sharpened sword 
Spoilt children in a row 
No-one dares to tell them "No" 

Ch: - So all I wanted in the end 
Was world domination and a whole lot of money to spend 
Everything I touch, everything I see 
Fame and fortune, immortality 
Well that's not much to ask, it's really not 
It's not much to ask, just the same as everybody else 

So in every heart there's a broken dream 
A shattered cause, a might have been 
In every eye there's a secret tear 
In every heart there's a secret fear 
That this is it, done, complete 
Resign yourself to your defeat 
the bitterness behind the show 
That's where spoilt children go