New End Original

Leper Song

New End Original

Am I peeking if I look? 
Do my kisses feel invasive? 
Am I crying when I smile? 
Who am I to say?

Can I see this from the inside? 
Am I dying just to say?
With all these words hung 'round my neck, 
my head is feeling heavy -- Let me sleep.

Did I sneak something inside? 
A bitter pill, a tasteless poison? 
Do I have something to hide?
Who am I to say?

I'm lonely as a leper. 
I'm contagious as hell.
With my clothing and my make-up, I bet you couldn't tell.

Some nights I don't sleep, and when I do, I sleep fitfully.
These dreams are not mine
and I wake up in a very bad mood.

...and I wake up in a very bad mood....
...and I wake up in a very bad mood....
...and I wake up in a very bad mood....