New Deal String Band

Methodist Pie

New Deal String Band

I went down to camp meeting the other afternoon 
For to hear them shout and sing 
And tell each other how they love one another 
And make "Hallelujah" ring 

There was old Uncle Daniel and his brother, Ebenezer 
Uncle Rufus and his lame gal, Sue 
Aunt Polly and Melinda and Old Mother Bender 
Well, you never saw a happier crew 

Oh little children, I believe 
Oh little children, I believe 
Oh little children, I believe 
I'm a methodist 'til I die 
I'm a methodist, methodist 
'Tis my belief
I'm a methodist'til die 
Tiil old grim Death comes a 
Knocking at the door 
I'm a methodist 'til I die 

Well, they all go there for to have a big time 
And to eat up that grub on the sly 
Have applesauce butter with sugar in the gourd 
And a great big Methodist pie 

You ought to hear the ringing when they all go to singing 
That "Good Old Bye-and-Bye" 
There's Jimmy McGee in the top of a tree 
Shouting "How's this for high?" 


Well, they all join hands and they march around a ring 
And keep a-singing all the while 
You'd think it was a cyclone coming through the air 
You can hear them 'bout half a mile 

6: Then the bell rings loud and that whole big crowd 
Breaks ranks and up they fly 
While I take aboard the sugar in the gourd 
And I finish off the Methodist pie 
