Now, I don't know, but I believe The automobile's ruined the country Let's go back to the horse and buggy And try to save some money Chorus: Take off your overcoat and roll up your sleeve Jordan is a hard road to travel Take off your overcoat and roll up your sleeve Jordan is a hard road to travel, I believe The public schools and the highways Are raising quite an alarm Y' get a country boy educated just a little Well, he ain't a-gonna stay on the farm (Chorus) I know a man who's an evangelist His tabernacle's always full People keep coming from miles around Just to hear him shoot the bull (Chorus) You can talk about your evangelists You can talk about Henry Ford, too Henry's shaking more Hell out of folks Than all the evangelists do (Chorus) I've been to the East and I've been to the West I've been to old Virginny I run my head in a hornets' nest And I never got stung on any (Chorus) It rained 40 days and it rained 40 nights And it rained on the Alleghany Mountains It rained 40 horses and a Dominecker mule And they landed on the other side of Jordan