Caught in a big void of nothing to do. Try to see the future wishing for something more. When the chance will come by, I'm going to take it. Wonder what will happen, am I going to make it through. Give me something Give me something Give me something To hang on to Give me something something to get real Give me what I want I can see what I want now, and I am getting closer Cheers to the thing that will kill us all The slow and painful death makes me wonder I have gotten everything I have wished for but still I feel hunger. Give me something Give me something Give me nothing To hang on to Give me something Give me something To realize what gives them strength, What makes them rise to their kingdom? To their surprise I do now know What makes them rise to their kingdom? Give me something Give me nothing Give me something To hang on to Caught in a big void of nothing to do Now I see the future, never satisfied Give me nothing at all To realize what gives them strength, What makes them rise to their kingdom? To their surprise I do now know What makes them rise to their kingdom?