Morning Star, Bore a crown of thorns, and pain, The wickedness of this world, Was cast upon Him, bearing shame, Disease, and affliction, he carried like a hanging plague, Destitute, abandoned, forsaken by Father, turned away, The sin of this place, human sacrifice, quickening, Through bludgeoning, and reproach, shame and filth so sickening, He suffered through the most brutal death, Descended to the fiery pit, Three days spent in another man's grave, To conquer death so that I could be saved, This is Why I call Him Lord The Lion of Judah, ascended to His heavenly reign, Soveriegnty, supremecy, and righteousness are his majesty, Lord of lords, King of kings, He shall rule eternally, The wicked will burn in a fiery hell, punishment for iniquity, The sin of this place, human sacrifice, quickening, Through bludgeoning, and reproach, shame and filth so sickening, He suffered through the most brutal death, Descended to the fiery pit, Three days spent in another man's grave, To conquer death so that I could be saved, This is Why I call Him Lord (1st verse repeat) (solo Charlie)