I'm as headstrong as a charging bull Apare the crap 'cos I'm no one's fool As changeable as the hands of time I say backing down is the only crime As flexible as an iron bar Am I getting through to you so far? I war my rage like a face tattoo Must I spell it out to you? Under the layers of filth in your heart There are razor sharp nail to rip me apart Just one more minute in your company Might hjust bring out the madness that's lurking in me In the end there's only the truth In the end there'll be only you (I will never find a way to leave the hate behind) So make you claims and they'll be denied Whatever you say I'll know you lied If you swear to me that the sky is blue O'll say it's green and know it's true Crippled with guilt? Not anymore Never again will I be your whore Hate is building up in me I'm filled with rage to capacity!