
The Creep


I’m a creep, because I always suffer
I’m a jerk. The world is much too hard for me
I’m a dick. Everyone is faster
And in the end, there’s always nothing left me

I’m able to do anything
But just can’t get it right
Losing my last confidence
Right before the fight
Just to get the picture clear
Assume we never met
And if we ever had the chance
You’ll walk away instead

I’m a freak, and a bad imposter

I’m doomed to try, but never to succeed
I confess, I am a lazy bastard
But used to this, why should it bother me

Nothing keeps me interested
Longer than a sec
If I’ll give you my attention
It would set you back
This was never meant to happen
Never meant to be
And in the end, I know for sure
The faulter – this is me