Pain, pain, the sad fact Pain, pain Thank you for the pain Thank you for the chaos The very true friends for me Throughout this dreadful life Things are blacker then ever A constant battle rages in my mind When to end my life is the question left Of the thing that will lay me to rest Coro Pain, pain, the sad fact (bis) Pain, pain My life has come to an end My life is done My selfish decision, the idea will come a Fact The world has overwhelmed my soul There is nothing left of the warrior i Used to be Fought for years with a lot of tears The sad fact is i will be soon be forgotten My name will fade away, my body too Cowardice will be the only word That people will speak about me Repite coro The good things i have done will rot There is no other place worse than this World I would like to change but i cannot Things are very dark and unreal for me