Down in voids of mind Where boiling feelings come to surface of Renewed impressions I craft my mast of mindless inspiration Truth? There is no truth! Or have you seen a sign of its existence? In this sordid world Where we can't live without deceiving Rebuilt Babylon The substance of confusion Rebuilt Babylon Switch off Close your eyes And rest in silence The new dimensions of speech Opening doors to perception at a new level Jamming commonly-known sense into the rage that cannot be shown Slowly grinding the flesh from the inside Demolishing irony of what is our pride Void is all I want I dream of silence Pure, eternal Real - where sense is healed But all I see is this rebuilt Babylon Words these feeble sounds Through which we strive to shake the souls Of others, of ourselves And interact for bringing all together Fools! You trust in fates In lines and dots, combined in millions of Expressions, questions We're tired to ask again in circles