


In numb oppressive sleep these creatures roam the earth 
To a mental isolation we are cursed at the birth 
I looked inside myself to find out how I feel 
There was nothing much to see, defeated hopes and dreams 
Sometimes I sense a soft caressing touch trying to heal 
But my soul´s not a soul at all anymore 
Too lame to feel 
We live inside the concrete walls and hide behind restrictions 
Sometimes we see the distant sun and dream of affections 
Don´t try to touch me, 
I´ve got no time to care 
Don´t speak, don´t make an intrusion, I might get scared 
Connections are forbidden, strangers are the freaks 
So wear the shades and look deranged to avoid a human feel 
Sometimes I sense a soft caressing touch trying to heal 
But my heart´s not a heart anymore Too tame to beat 
We live inside the concrete walls and hide behind restrictions 
Sometimes we see the distant sun and dream of affections 
We hide behind the cold stone walls sealing the life outside 
Sometimes we see the sun 
Sometimes we see the sun 
We live inside the concrete walls 
And hide behind restrictions 
Sometimes we see the distant sun 
But never really feel the warmth inside