oh this age of equality, happiness and wealth when the insolence gives the orders and profit dictates the terms in headquarters and factory halls we stand in line to feed the beast the roaring beast of machinery that's supposed to set us free cover my eyes shut out the image flow cut out the sound plug me out of the constant, relentless howl get me out oh these days of possibilities knowledge and health when mediocrity's a virtue and blandness means the common taste in classrooms and office halls we stand in line struggling for a light like swarming moths inside a lantern burning out mistaken for the sun cover my eyes shut out the image flow cut out the sound plug me out of the constant, relentless howl get me out let me sleep here for a while sleep beside you for a while let me sleep cover my eyes let me sleep beside you for a while cut out the sound let me stay here with you for a while cover my eyes let me sleep beside you for a while cut out the sound plug me out of this constant howl get me out