A transmutation is the metaphor of a diathermy in the water. I am looking at the castle that is coming down, the first man is at my side. Life goes on as a water snail. Why are we here, in the summit of the scale? Just a horizontal stairway. Soil in thy soul, ashes in her legs. Images of the elder asking for pity. The woman laughing of his teeth. Reality is not anymore a dream for somebody in the other side of the moon, in this second. A hand slowly grasps the air, whisper of the last aspiration. The woman holds her breast with the force of her ancestors and milk became a star in elder's smile. The chance is the only life for my molecules. The smile of my atoms tells me that we will find a shadow when the Earth ends its fourth cicle. But I cannot rest until there is a fourth direction that has four directions. The ship is about to leave. We are late; let die the dead.