Nellyy Chris

How Much

Nellyy Chris

Oy! Ohb nellyy chris
1 (corro)
Pull sufrece gang gang
Pull shiny gang gang
Wow wow wow
Pull up sufrece my nigga
Pull up my nigga (eh)
Look big shiny (eh)
Look big shiny (now waressy)
I put it every day
L out ir everdy day

I put four Maserati cars
Free bez on my way
Spending money like rich man (frio ph)
$10,000 (eh)
Look mony nigga slay
Lil gussi nigga wake up
We don't have time to sleep
Sufrece shiny lce
Sufrece shiny lce (eh boy

I call myself rich
I only own the money
Nigga faste hurry up as fuck
Nigga (grii) (pau pau)
How much big swag
How much life star
How much big swag
Show me show me
How much life star
How much big swag