Neko Case

The Needle Has Landed

Neko Case

here I am in traffic's slow flow
where the needle touched down
carbon planes draw a cage round the air force base
where the needle touched down
my foot on the brake, it's ok to fly low
over poor spanaway

an eagle swooped down from a semi-trailer
took the name of your town from a sharp-toothed freighter
the needle's the same that recorded and played
when you left me at the greyhound the year I moved away
and if I knew then what's so obvious now
you'd still be here, baby
my baby, baby

so that's why I never come back here
that's why they spit out my name
your exes have clawed up the bible trying to keep me away
with the sledge of tectonic fever
the needle has landed again
let it play

and the needle touched down
the needle is landing
and the needle touched down
the needle is landing

an eagle swooped down from a semi-trailer
took the name of your town
from a sharp-toothed freighter
and if I knew then what's so obvious now
you'd still be here