Hold the line, staunch non-conformist We've a sacred rendezvous To you breast clutch tightly your list Things we're non-conforming to Banners high we'll make demands for Changing every thing we see Down with all society stands for Speak your mind,it's a free country Better to exist in our private abyss Then dwell with the socially rotten Our abuse never stops We must pay off the cops Or we won't have abyss to pot in Glossy eyed we stand forever In agreement through and through Non-conforming all together For the grand red, white and green (Hum In Background) I can see it now, ah yes Waiting for us just over the horizon A land where men, women and others Can walk together hand in hand Toward a better tomorrow A land where we can all grow beards (Hooray!) And wear open-toed shoes (Hooray!) And we'll let our hair grow long (Hooray!) And use "Hip" words (Hip,Hooray!) And if there's one guiding creed One word that will sum up All we would gladly die for I know that word must surely be "Individuality" (Rah! Rah! Rah!) Hold the line staunch non-conformists Pay no heed to words of jeer To you breast clutch tightly your list Things we're non-conforming to This year