Pokémon is an undeniable obsession with children across the country So what exactly is a Pokémon? Cute cuddly characters who become super-charged so they can fight their enemies It's a Japanese term short for Pocket monster Pokémon are incredible creatures that share the world with humans It began as a video game in Japan And has become an international phenomenon In the form of books, music videos, a TV show, and trading cards In the hands of schoolkids all over the world Well, Pokémon has swept the world Little, reclusive, power-filled monsters Characters named Pikachu, Mankey, and Snorlax School officials are finding that Pokémon cards are responsible for fistfights And the Pokémon is creating a monster of a commotion for American kids They get into fights, but no one dies Parents should not let their kids watch Pokémon, play Pokémon, buy Pokémon cards Have anything to do with Pokémon, because the message is violence The genius of Pokémon is you have to keep collecting characters The game's constantly innovating And so the epidemic goes from being a craze to an entire world order The constant trading is not only distracting kids from classwork But turning the playground into a black market Where they buy and sell rare cards The children are developing relationships with all these Pokémon creatures Now kids are going just so wild over this Pokémon That there's stuffed animals and collectibles, Pokémon trading cards But why should they carry these monsters in their pocket? The entire Pokémon phenomenon is the enemy! Pokémon world is the world of the demonic, of the satanic Coming soon to a theater near you Pokémon the Movie joins Pokémon the video game And Pokémon the trading card As must sees and must haves, to start us off tonight NBC News correspondent Herman Cain I believe these words came from the Pokémon movie Life can be a challenge It's never easy when there's so much on the line But you and I can make a difference Just look inside and you will find the Pokémon Pokémon But you and I can make a difference Just look inside and you will find the Pokémon The Pokémon