Today’s just so wonderful, I feel like chuckling Ha ha ha ha I feel all fuzzy inside like a duckling; full of tarantulas And now that I’m here, tonight, it’s gonna get weird! Ah-ha-ha-ha! Look at these creatures, not enough features Cats should breath fire, bears should sing choir! (Very nice) Look at this tower under my power Look at these people, puny and feeble! (Ooooooo hoooo!) Look, I’m just a triangle trying to save you From the delusions society gave you Gravity’s a lie and so is the sky Trust in the all-seeing, all-knowing eye! Look at this money–who’s that, honey? Look throughout history, how could you miss me? (Seriously, I’m all over the place) Look at this weather, I could do better Mandelbrot rainbows, screaming tornadoes! Look at this loser, drinking coffee …Now it’s decaf! (Hahahahaha!) Look at these people, calling me evil Right back at you, now you’re all statues! Now everything you know has disappeared It’s gonna get weird...