Aim the arrow at the servants of thine Impale our black hearts with wrath Force us to drink the fallen blood Turn us from men into beasts From men into beasts Milleniums of dancing and singing for their lord Milleniums that grew the wrath of ours Ages of joy, ages of hope Time has come to rape the light I am the chosen, to carry the star unholy I am among them, sitting on the highest throne Bleed for me angels, i am of him Can you see the flames in my eyes? Flames in my eyes I shall have flowers withering Vanishing into shadows of lifeless existence I shall carry darkness with me To cast it into heavens high Fire be my name, eternally burning the face of god Hatefully burning the holy water, to wipe away the filth Deceiver be my name, following every breath of god Lurking at the pearly gates, to strike at the halls of light Oh, angels of light, cut your bearing wings i will And as you fall, beasts yearn for your flesh Flames welcome you, dungeons greet you With pain to bless you, shadows to join you As you have fallen, fall again you will You are raped, only to be raped again Raped until the lakes of the purest blood appear Where you can be drowned a thousand times Past be his name, as ancient as darkness itself Yet with flesh of different ages, the source of our hate Future be his name, as eternity will be his The one whose flames burn in my eyes Silently lurking from shadow to shadow Sneaking, where the sun could not see us Awaiting the nights loyal caress The night must have heard us, as in darkness we drowned And sunset was freezing as death A night of night is spread upon us A night that could only bring victory in our strife It was time to crawl out from the shadows And let the nightwinds carry our names For too long had the unworthy ruled And annoyed us with their light message Many we were, even more were they But steel is cold towards friedly flesh Words of love they spoke to us and showed us their light But we broke their love and raped their hope