Breeding ground for parasites Buried still alive in your stinking tomb, Shackled and mummified. Your body is a perfect Breeding ground for parasites Awakened from a crawling sound You feel the aching wounds. The abscess bursts open And ugly spiders running out. Breeding ground for parasites Vermin crawl inside! Breeding ground for parasites Eaten from inside! Flies have left their larvae In the convolutions of your brain. And the internal itching Is driving you insane. Breeding ground for parasites Vermin crawl inside! Breeding ground for parasites Eaten from inside! Worms squirming in your gut. Leeches start to suck the labia of the slut. Maggots creeping in your gash, Decompose your flesh to a rotting mash. Breeding ground for parasites Slugs coming out of ears and nose. Ants crawling under your skin. No way to scratch them out, You are consumed by vermin! Breeding ground for parasites Vermin crawl inside! Breeding ground for parasites Eaten from inside! Worms squirming in your gut. Leeches start to suck the labia of the slut. Maggots creeping in your gash, Decompose your flesh to a rotting mash. Breeding ground for parasites