He's snarling and smirking Racing along In his rattle trap He throws down the gauntlet And barges into the place Chrashes into it Here they are waiting for him a grotesque delirium Bow before him A mad army of shadows Self proclaimed victims of life In a side street flea pit Where they stand before him Hunching - lurching A craven crowd Of ferocious invalids Now a beam of life touches them And suddenly splendidly summoned all clamour for attention People -so weak - So respectable that they ask to be boiled Powerless we are Yet everything is permitted to us We cant do anything We are basking in endless fogs Nothing - they wail Crying out Yet everything is permitted to us Snarling , smirking He's madness prowling Searching for hostages For these wrechtes I watch, I gasp Horrific moments roll around the eyeballs Spineless, clueless As they offer themselves to be devoured Spineless , clueless To be de-backboned Spineless clueless…. It's the maniac, It's the maniac's banquet!