Rebirth of the "magick" In macrocosmical reign Archetype of the circle Vibrations of the heavenly names The ancients are one Unite by the fathers of time Out of the mirror Await the spirits revive [chorus] Eucharistical... sacrifice To heaven gates Sacrifice! Glorified by the last storm Atlantis arises Yperborea's birthday Reflect in cabalistical eyes Shapeless chaos Re-enter perpetual illusion Superior vegetal Ostiary turns to salvation If i come, to fall in error When the jackal's freed from the cage Let the carrion, sound in horror New glory in one thousand flames Pranayama, calms emotions End it now, tomorrow's will Iron lungs, for mechanical pressure The atomic cults of... fear Soul search - destructive race Emulation denied Universal altars burn Dead stars enflamed Break crania - dreadful depths Eternity dies The child in golden eggs Enochian key's mine! [repeat 1st verse and chorus]