Now lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the lLord my soul to take. What if this is a lullaby? Would you fall to sleep tonight? Would you dream of me? Oh, oh, would you dream? Wake me up, wake me up. I wave to God. My last lullaby. Can't break me up, I dont want to be alone. Last lullaby... Wake me, I bowed to God. My last lullaby, my last lullaby. Wake me up, I bowed God. My last lullaby, my last lullaby Wake me up, wake me up. I wave to God. My last lullaby. Wake me up, I dont want to be alone. My last lullaby. Wake me up, I bow to God. My last lullaby, my last lullaby. Wake me up, I promised to God. My last lullaby, my last lullaby