Aum! From the still and silent void Came all that is movement By the sacred sound of creation That contains the expansion of the universe Three symbols divine manifestations One for each movement of the universe The cosmic balance of the Lord of Sleep That transcends all that is In a perpetual cycle of three stages The universe is created, lasts, and collapses Through the day and the night of the Neutral One At the rhythm of the dance of the Lord of Sleep Let us speak the sacred syllable That manifests the greatness of God One and numerous He transcends the creation Let us sing the sacred sound That represents the divine trinity The three states of the universe In one that transcends all that is Three is the universe As it is manifestation, duration, and collapse Three is the world As it is heaven, earth, and hell Three is the knowledge As it is Rig, Yajus, and Saman Three is God As He is Creator, Preserver and Destroyer