Near Death Condition

Prayer To The Universal One

Near Death Condition

Life is shining with the eternity thou have bestowed upon our lives

O', Creator of all the IS of the universe
Greater than everything we can conceive
Invoked on earth thou have entered all that is living
Manifesting thy greatness through nature

May we be in the favor of the Universal One

May the mundane delusions be washed away
So that the eyes could be opened and see

May we be in thy favor

We have prepared this place for thy coming in storm
May ignorance be replaced by the knowledge of thy creation
Our love and devotion to thee have no boundaries
May thy blessing be granted to those who have awakened

Almighty principle of all that IS
God of the mineral and the organic
The matter the world is made of
As well as the force to assemble its matter

May the mundane delusions be washed away
So that the eyes could be opened and see
May we be in thy favor