Near Death Condition

Praise The Lord Of Negation

Near Death Condition

Praise and glory to you, O mighty Lord of Negation
From the skies above full of your supreme glory
To the depths of hell where you sit
Your kingdom of sickness and death come
Your will be done here and everywhere

Like God among woodlice
Spread your supremacy
Over the mass of perdition
Enlighten the path obstructed with sleepwalkers
And protect the faithful from human silliness

Make the Earth tremble and tear
Apart the skies
Turn the deceptions of this world into bliss
At your side
Erase nostalgia from our hearts
We accept your precious gift of darkness

Come with your fire of destruction
Your left hand commanding legions of demons
Reduce this putrid world to ashes
We no longer want such beings
Detached from all cultures
We are fed up with the world of ephemeral
Delusions without value

Come with the Reaper on your right hand
Have no mercy upon infidels in agony
Those whose moistened look is begging
To spare them
We rejoice of this apocalyptic vision
Of lifeless bodies littering the ground like waste

Save the faithful from annihilation
Grant us your grace
For it is your blood, the blood of discord
Which flows within our veins
And it is your name we speak in tongues
Let us breathe your unholy breath
Give us power to kill shamelessly
To purify the universe of vermin
Now and for ever, so made (may?) it be!