Near Death Condition

Pandemic Of Ignorance

Near Death Condition

Facing the intangible immensity of the Universe
That the most complex equations
Emerged from the most erudite minds
Have not even scratched

Facing the intersidereal void of infinity
Of which known celestial bodies constitute
Only a small fraction of the mass
And that our extinction would
Not even undermine

We are but insignificant creatures
Dust particles in the gigantic wheels
Of this magnificent celestial mechanics
Before which we should kneel down
As a sign of limitless admiration
Every moment of our miserable existence

But your ignorance has made
You forget everything
Your origins, your history, your mistakes
Your eyes have been closed
You no longer know how to contemplate
Believing you were taming Nature
In an infamous matricide
You have placed yourself at the centre of Creation

We are surrounded by wonders
But nobody raises the eyes
Light is in our minds, but you do not dare to see it
For fear of enlightening
Your false illusion of certainty
You stand apart from your fellow men, seeing them
As enemies to eliminate

Ignorance, basis of all your fears
Those leading to violence against others
Has made you believe in lies for centuries
And refuse evidence of reality
Disease that has spread faster than plague
Pandemic for which there is no cure but death