Emergence of life without law or chance Evolution turned towards empty complexity Creation of the insignificant from naught There must be an intelligent design! Absolute imperfection made man Our disgusts defining us more than our likes Creature that is not inclined to love But that rejoices with the disappearances of his fellow man And though doesn't give up procreating Perpetually organising the crime Creature coming from the mire Having mediocrity as single utopia Wars and concentration camps Undoubtedly the most completed of our works Have no equivalent in barbarity But our foolish and soul-destroying entertainments Love is but a malevolent excuse that leads us to fuck Reminding us our condition of hideous beasts Predators in search of easy preys Begging to be sacrificed on the altar of lust Devoting ourselves to the worst vices in a cascade Of debauchery Teenager intoxicated with sex, rapists Of offered virgins Woodlice copulating with sluts to give birth to Diabolic creatures Engendering new obscene torturers that will call To believe in humanity Dereliction only weapon of the thinkers And the lucides Annihilating everything it can heal and save us From the eternal curse fallen Unto the Ark's descendants After the madness of Noah desiring to perpetuate Such an absurdity Then yes, there must be an intelligent design But only the Devil can be the perpetrator Of such a malediction For created in his hideous image From birth to death humans have nothing good