You've created a God in your image Pale glimmers and failing forces Cast into this anthropomorphic conception Of what is beyond the reason of man Subjected to his judgment you've implored his mercy Ensured to live eternally beyond death in his kingdom But these were just empty promises Made by men as pestilential as you More and more devoid of sense and interest This feeble God has fallen into oblivion In favor of a cult of the self equally arrogant Towards the truth that you've never perceived Refusing your God, you've confused yourself with the devil Selfish, vile, evil and petty as the one you've feared Having no more reason to walk a brilliant path Doomed to death that will mark the end of all Your life to which your God gave a sense Has been emptied of all morality and justice Do we have to be good if not for being rewarded for? When it's more natural to be evil and nasty Impurity is the sign of reality Leading a life of debauchery without future Worse than animals in lack of food Through sex and violence you're dominating virtue You are disgusting me, sluts and false men Plague and violent death is what you deserve I hate you to the depths of your soul As I masturbate upon your lives The idea of being able to put an end to this ignominy Not feeling imprisoned by this odious life Comforts me and allows me to endure Until my vengeance, the burden of existence