Near Death Condition

Between The Dying And The Dead

Near Death Condition

Zombified workaholics labouring
Turning this malediction into voluptuousness
Satisfied with worthless achievements
Soul-destroying and trivialising
Making us impersonal
Adopting life styles that we do not like
Soldiers, slaves to consumer society
Transformed into objects without a spirit
In pursuit of temporal goods
Moving away from the inaccessible eternity

We are but frantic zombies
Consumers of flesh in all its forms
Satiating day after day our vile needs
Repeating the same empty gestures
In an unconscious funeral march
I'm searching in vain for a metaphysical link
Between our most repetitive acts
Those marking the rhythm of our day
And that certainty of nothingness
Breaking through my insomnia

We live in the shadow of death
We're worshiping it behind derived imagery
From crucifix to images of God
From labour to our foolish amusements
Without knowing that death is guiding us
We're continuously running away from it

Giving meaning to our lowest acts
But suffering from all sorts of sickness
There is a time at which one must die to remain worthy

The fear of void in our hearts
Afflicted souls refusing the inescapable nature of death
We are aimlessly wandering
With the sour taste of a meaningless life
Into the anteroom of Nothingness
Between the dying and the dead