Ne Obliviscaris

Within The Chamber Of Stars

Ne Obliviscaris

Standing in the archway, a dilating silhouette
One final look behind justifies the night's existence

Far from home in the anatomy of night
Her memory is the only reminder
The lights are so far away
Deep within this chamber

Behind, the lights are fading
Leaving me all alone
Before me, my freedom
The stars now guide my way

Each star holds a secret
Of creations undiscovered
Now they all scream to me
Fore my muse lays tongueless

Of stars and thought, all alone
Silent they watch
In this chamber is where all life lingers

Crowned by scars and dreams
All within the chamber of stars

One hand holds my throat
The other holds my heart
Only now is forever

Far from home in the anatomy of night
Her memory is the only reminder
The lights are always so far away
Deep within this chamber