Extremization of biological reductionism concept Humanity reduced to mere shells From theory to practice Man is nothing more than a machine Insignificant components soldered In a waymore complex circuit board Human organs are simply spare parts Deceases are a source of richness Minds are instrument of control Faith is a prison A place to confine worthless existences Turned to blind automatons A despicable pile of sensors Denying the meaning Of the original conception By now the mankind will be treated Like somethingthat is Capable of being consumed A disposable product Designed only to be used and then discharged Writing the elegy for the flesh Inesorably the process of Human mechanization Continue exploiting The weaknessof the subjects Mercilessly cynically crushing Their feeble resistance Erasing every trace Of the primordial essence The weight is unbearable For all those who refuse Every form of submission Their knowledge is a blade Pointedagainst themselves Shuddering to the thought Of became consciously a part Of this corrupt mechanism An infinite reserve Of flesh for experimentation Forced reproduction and transplanting A consumable of a sophisticated device