death of the pro-lifer long overdue and if you don' t agree, fuck you it might be religion that rules your thoughts maybe you hate women, you want control and power most probably you surroundings have controlled your thoughts but now celebrate cause it' s the death of the pro-lifer pro-lifers don' t realize how much pain they' re inflicting on top of all the guilt and stigma that' s already existing can you imagine how a woman must feel after having made such a tough decision? that' s why i' m glad your church is dying. and when you come and sit in front of your altar or tv-set is there never ever a sparkle of regret like - i' m sure - all the women must have who' ve had an abortion in their lives.... you make it seem so simple, coward! blame it on religion and hatred and ignorance, well it hurts! you make it seem so simple, you cold-hearted friend...