Tom: Am E|------------------------------0-------| B|------------3h5p3---------------------| G|----------5-----------1---------------| D|--------------------------------------| x3 A|---3----------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------| Following the C, before repeating, do a soft, quick, Up Down Up strum. E|--------------------------------------| B|---1-------------------1----1-1-------| UP C WN UP G|---2----0h2p0----------0----0-0-------| D|---3-------------------2----0-0h2-----| x3 A|---3-------------------3----3-3-------| E|--------------------------------------| Quickly transition to the next section following this part. Make it seamless. E|---x------0---------------------------| B|---x------0---------------------------| G|---1---------------------------1--2--4| D|---2----------------------------------| A|---2----------------------------------| E|---0----------------------------------| [Verse] Very simple guitar melody when he sings the verses. It's a repeat of the first section of the intro without the hammer/pull off part. I like to play the lower strings of C followed by the higher strings then the lower strings of E followed by the higher strings. Super simple. [Chorus] E|--------------------------------------| B|---1-------------------1----1-1-------| UP C WN UP G|---2----0h2p0----------0----0-0-------| D|---3-------------------2----0-0h2-----| x3 A|---3-------------------3----3-3-------| E|--------------------------------------| E|---x------0---------------------------| B|---x------0---------------------------| G|---1---------------------------1--2--4| D|---2----------------------------------| A|---2----------------------------------| E|---0----------------------------------| Extremely easy song to play. Just listen to the song to see where he transitions and switches from the chorus to the verses and vice versa. ************************************ | x Dead note | g Grace note | (n) Ghost note | h Hammer-on | p Pull-off | r Release | > Accented note | t Tapping | b Bend | br Bend release | pb Pre-bend | pbr Pre-bend release | / Slide up | Slide down | ~ Vibrato | s Slap | P Pop | PM Palm mute | TR Trill | N Tremolo