Ideas without senses appears in my head Satan has came and he wants obedience The sacrifice altar is for him My brain doesn't works I belong to Lucifer The prophet cried corrode your church And the priest chins fills me of sadness To disturb the nun I have the aptitude It is a bless that Beelzebub gave me Praise the force of badness My mission natural destruction Sale my senses to king Leviathan And my soul is for Beliath To profane your dammed integrity To diffuse stinking dirt Sacrifice the delicious kindness And destroy the putrid society Dirty prophecies religion gives us Distributing their lies until your extreme Being a damned priest is a putrid profession To lie parishioners and funk them without reason Lustful aquelarres caress my senses Black infernal mass that finish in moan Incubus n' Succubus hurt until the end Everything is marked with Satan's claw Satan's claw Satan's claw Satan's claw