- They said that. - ... - No, nobody has, she is just murmuring. - ... - I won't try again, just leave her. - ... - She doesn't want to, I know she doesn't want to. Don't you remember you did the same? - ... - She won't hurt herself, just leave her. Don't you remember you... - ... - Oh please, what about last night, I heard you. Now you understand? This is just the first phase. You know that. My suspicion has broken my arm and my will I thought there was at least someone laughing at me But that someone is just a silence that cannot be filled Dangerous boldness to expect man and universe together fit Lust, I have tried Chastity, I have failed again Even aware and brave There's no a chance to escape Breathing uncertainty You'll frame some kind of ease It's not a matter of thruth or of strength when you've seen that no answer will grant you no rest Trifle and dance although nothing will last 'cause you'll try to find out why those are better ways and... You'll cry again You'll cry again Stop and a question Stop and a thought that will drown you even more Joyshte, Nachti, Pechte, Möshti Moishti, Lachte, Pechte, Peshki Jreist? Please forgive your doubtful being He'll ask, he'll grasp, just smile That corner is bewitched Don't fall in love with the blur And come, just come Every time you seek the answer There's a bunch of ghosts that flower Have you tried to embrace yourself This world will never go away Why don't you come back and play Your thirst to know is ruining us all Life has never asked for your approval You'll just have to stop right now