All the could bees buzzing 'round
My mind, a thousand tiny clouds.
And now I cannot see the sun.

All the worries on my list
Rush like lemmings off a cliff.
I'm powerless to save even one.

All my friends tell me I'm thinking too much.
It's not over 'til it's over
Because today is trouble enough.
Leave tomorrow 'til tomorrow.

I'm not jinxing what could be.
Second guessing what I see.
There is you and there is me.
And no what ifs.

Not crossing fingers, knocking wood
'Cause worrying' about it could
Spoil the moment when it's good.
No more what ifs, could bes, one days, if onlys.

The intro's looping on and on.
Don't really get to feel the song
When it's only playing in my head.

If I don't listen with my heart,
Trust my instincts from the start
Then I'm as dumb as dumb can get. So

I'm not jinxing what could be.
Second guessing what I see.
There is you and there is me.
And no what ifs.

Not crossing fingers, knocking wood
'Cause worrying' about it could
Spoil the moment when it's good.
No more what ifs, could bes, one days, if onlys.

Looked in my eyes, made my heart skip.
Knew I wouldn't take no from there.
Only right that we would start this.
I'm not really sure what we would call it,
But let's not give it names, wouldn't care.
You're mine regardless, I'm all in.

Baby in the crib, look at how we live.
Happily forever after: That's just what it is.
And I know I shouldn't do that, I'm only causing stress.
I know I should just let it flow. I know that's for the best.

And trust, I'm trying y'all tryn'a stop my brain from
Makin' up a future that could cause me pain.
So, I'm a get my head out the fantasy.
All we got is now, and it's good. I ain't gonna let it bother me.

I'm thinking too much.

It's not over 'til it's over
Because today is trouble enough.
Leave tomorrow 'til tomorrow.

I'm not jinxing what could be.
Second guessing what I see.
There is you and there is me.
And no what ifs.

Not crossing fingers, knocking wood
'Cause worrying' about it could
Spoil the moment when it's good.
No more what ifs, could bes, one days, if onlys.

No more what ifs, could bes, one days, if onlys.
No more what ifs, could bes, one days, if onlys