Look at my facial hair 
(Oh man, hot damn! It's everywhere! 
Where'd you get that beard?) 
I grew it 
(How'd you keep it so clean?) 
I shampoo it 

I really wish I could grow a moustache 
(Why don't you?) 
Well, frankly, I don't have the cash 
You gotta take care of your facial hair 
Otherwise it gets scruffy and bare 

The elements of style 
For the beard owner 
The essential manual 
For owners of beards 

Trim it, cut it, comb it, style it! 
Clean it, and set with violet 
Love it, but don't get violent 
Rub it, but not in public 
Eat with it, but don't get messy 
The only rule is, keep it classy 

La la la la la la la la la la la la 

I was on a fishing boat 
And I tried to grow a beard but it wouldn't float 
(Oh no!) 
Three weeks later, out at sea 
I realised this beard wasn't working for me 
I tried to shave it off, but I had no cream 
Everyone on the boat could hear me scream 

The elements of style 
For the beard owner 
The essential manual 
For owners of beards 

You ready? 
Let's go 

Love for me and love for you 
Love for each other 
Baby, be my boo 

Love for me and love for you 
Lust for my beard 
Look at what I grew 

Love for me and love for you 
Love for each other 
Baby, be my boo 

Love for me and love for you 
Lust for my beard 
Look at what I grew 

Look at my sexy facial hair 
Oh man, hot damn, it's everywhere 
Look at my sexy facial hair 
Oh man, hot damn, it's everywhere! 

It's everywhere 
It's everywhere 
It's everywhere 
It's everywhere 
It's everywhere 
It's everywhere