Tripping falling Laughing uncontrollably, Good times been had Even though some were quite sad For one who could not count 2 seconds was so standard For one who could not stand Tripping was understanded Walking stalling Looking for that something calling Sure you've taken a look In every cranny and nook To find to find What you are looking for Tell me be kind What are you looking for? Superhero number 12 Dont worry its on the shelf Team durjay pride forever No no shampoo is better Look back chillax Your friends have got your heiney True to the max This is a space filling liney Be good so good In every single way Repeat this phrase To self 31 times daily Hang out stay out With the people who care It should be better then Looking at the wall blank stare Insane concoction This friendships not up for auction The world won't show That failures not an option Superhero number 12 Dont worry its on the shelf Team durjay pride forever No no conditioner is better