They say don't go, On Wolverton Mountain, If you're lookin' for a wife. 'Cause Clifton Clowers, (Doodle-oot-du.) Has a pretty young daughter, (Doodle-oot-du.) He's mighty handy, (Doodle-oot-du.) With a gun and knife. (Doodle-oot-du.) Her tender lips, (Her tender lips,) Are sweeter than honey. And Wolverton Mountain, Protects her there. The bears and the birds, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) Tell Clifton Clowers, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) If a stranger, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) Should enter there. (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) All of my dreams, Are on Wolverton Mountain, I want his daughter, For my wife. I'll take my chances, (Doodle-oot-du.) And climb that mountain, (Doodle-oot-du.) Though Clifton Clowers, (Doodle-oot-du.) He might take my life. (Doodle-oot-du.) Her tender lips, (Her tender lips,) Are sweeter than honey. And Wolverton Mountain, Protects her there. The bears and the birds, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) Tell Clifton Clowers, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) If a stranger, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) Should enter there. (Ahhh-ahhh.) I'm goin' go up, On Wolverton Mountain, It's just too lonesome, Down here below. It's just not right, (Doodle-oot-du.) To hide his daughter, (Doodle-oot-du.) From the one, (Doodle-oot-du.) Who loves her so. (Doodle-oot-du.) Her tender lips, (Her tender lips,) Are sweeter than honey. And Wolverton Mountain, Protects her there. The bears and the birds, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) Tell Clifton Clowers, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) If a stranger, (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) Should enter there. (Ooo, hoot-hoo.) But, I don't care about Clifton Clowers. I'm gonna climb up on his mountain. [Fade.] I'm gonna take the girl I love. I don't care about Clifron Clowers.