Promising better All gonna be good Change is gonna come Problems will be solved You’re face on the wall smiling like a friend And people are surprised you fooled em all again Yes we know you said that. Liar! So we put it to the test. Trier! Your promises not kept. Liar! Our answer to your lies. Fire! Money talks and you talk to get it Increasing your wages as soon as you’re elected How can you chow down a feast cooked by hungry hands? Talk about equality while you are more equal than anybody else? Yes we know you said that. Liar! So we put it to the test. Trier! Your promises not kept. Liar! Our answer to your lies. Fire! This is going to be final Gas to the bottle Fire to the torch Your structures to ashes Lies they gonna scorch Liar! Burning your disguise Fire! Our answer to your lies