Napalm Death

People Pie

Napalm Death

Refrigerated passenger holds
Keep strong shoulders fresh and cold
Swinging cranes with sinewy loads
Trunks and bridges crack and fold

Pungent dungeons larceny beds
Heads are carved and throats are bled
Dante shanty tinroof homestead
Rent gets paid before baby gets fed

The animals are all eating people pie
Now who can blame 'em?
Now who can tame 'em?
The animals are all eating people pie
Now who can blame 'em?
Now who can tame 'em?
The animals are all eating people pie
Wave bye bye, baby, sing baby goodbye
Bye bye, baby, sing baby goodbye

Emasculated battleship crew
Push their way through a ration queue
Pressganged, ausganged - pensioning due
Chilled downwind from an open flue

Looted muted newspaper man
Holds those tickets in his other hand
Scrabblin' babblin' fevered demand
For green baize seats in the arena stand

The animals are all eating people pie
False scent up the alleyway
Webs across the sky
The animals are all eating people pie
False scent up the alleyway
Webs across the sky
The animals are all eating people pie
Well they agree it's lean and it's fine
The animals are all eating people pie
Now who can chain 'em?
Now who can tame 'em?
The animals are all eating people pie
Now who can chain 'em?
Now who can tame 'em?
The animals are all eating people pie
Wave bye bye baby sing baby goodbye
Bye bye, baby, sing baby goodbye
Bye bye, baby, sing baby goodbye
Bye bye, baby, sing baby goodbye

Wave bye bye, baby
Wave bye bye, baby