Napalm Death

Climate Controllers

Napalm Death

Excuses, excuses
Fabrications, smokescreens 

Manacles - no recourse
Fabrications, smokescreens 

Lower than the lowest
Lower than the lowest
Lower than the lowest 

Maybe, just maybe, this new world order
Is no concept for "freaks" 

Straight, true and divine
Straight, true and divine
Straight, true and divine 

Maybe, just maybe, plans to rein us in
Have broken to the surface 

Full frontal assault on your choice
(Your) choice to spurn the flag
Waves of retribution awaiting those who dissent 

Patriot - yes, it's an act
Fabrications, smokescreens 

Speak when spoken to
Speak when spoken to
Speak when spoken to 

Maybe, just maybe, you're an obstrucion
Blocking their asses