Troops sent to the middle east Troops sent to die Troops sent to the middle east Troops sent to die So the rich can have their oil And pollute the sea and sky So george bush can sit in his plush office And ..?? dignity While we watch the war on tv While we watch the war on tv Human need not corporate greed Human need not profit Human need not corporate greed Human need not profit Money goes to more and more weapons Not for people ...?? need Democrats, republicans Are fighting more It's not what our taxes Should pay for The rich are screwing us over The rich are screwing us over The u.s. doesn't need to be The world's referee The u.s. doesn't need to be The world's referee Fighting in the middle east everyday Because of the u.s. and the u.k. Large corporations are demanding more Power is what they all live for Dying for the rich man's war Dying for a rich man's war Dying for a rich man's war Dying for a rich man's war 200,000 troops in the middle east 400,000 600,000 Too fucking many When're you gonna to wake up and realize ...?? When your best friend gets killed? Stop the bloodshed before we all die Why? Why? Why, why, why, why, why?