Come winds of time, come swallow us Spitting out our hatred, burned and found the past No goddamn sun reflects in no goddamn light A fevered circle, each day and night The beautiful wounds from within Go hand in head with my dreams of sin With the corruption that lied at the end The fire burns within us Out through the sacred gate Check out your files, collect the lies The lament novel of a soul demise All of it true as I stayed in the cold To count the dead hours How could I declare, that I liked them all? Those who mourn and turn away my soul I put the last nail in your mental coffin Sent it to your loss Straight into your fears Did you ever danced, with your demons inside For just inflected wounds Have you ever danced, with the demons that surround you, once, to face the truth Hand in hand, this fear I hear From your voice, getting clear We believe in silent empire We adore our fields of dreams We paint your empty god in black And set ablaze your circle of dreams