My prophetic eye gives away to my glorious limpid past Helping it to emerge from the ruins Of allien influence and of the christian culture I visit a christian church Which is built on ancient ruins The dark and narrow cryptic exert a strong influence over me Inside the crypt I kneel in front of the derelict altar And I swear to built a temple for Zeus I leave the city, I escape the capital's foggy gravecloth The terrible schemes of the wild pursuit of profit We, the limpid, must leave those places which bustle with life We must seek for isolated ones, never been handled by humans I order to raise the magic arrows of nature I desire the enlightened, Armanistic salvation, the wisdom and the law Cause the heaven's commandments came from darkness And god blesses the light? The astric seasons being influenced by the cosmic liquid Carry great weight in human cases The adventures of modern times and the disaster of war Lead us in the revelations of cosmic winds Before the appearence of the astral spring