I took a leap of faith, And only time will tell if it was a mistake. 'cos i've been running away from everything, While you demand the answers. And if you understand the choice behind it, You'll understand why i've kept this quiet. 'cos this is everything, it's too much to me, I've come too far to lose it. And i don't know enough about, The promises you're handing out, I don't know enough about anything. Throw it away, throw it all away in an instant, You have all control, you are my control. My decision's been made, There's only so many empty promises i can take. 'cos i've been fed all these lies, I'm questioning why i even gave you the time of day. I've got big plans and i'm planning success, Can i trust you with all of that? I've got big dreams, i've been dreaming of something, I know that i'm capable. Throw it away, throw it all away in an instant, You have all control, you are my control. I've got big plans and i'm planning success, Can i trust you with all of that? I've got big dreams, i've been dreaming of something, I know that i'm capable. Throw it away, throw it all away in an instant, You have all control, you are my control.