No one can changes my mind Even if he try to eaten my brain Did you trust my lies? I'm here without my belial wood Standing on the pentagrams roots Do you want share me the drunk There's more blood inside this old eve tank You will find it lick the old blood taste Let's drunk the last glass of virgins dead Inside my mind there's strange feeling Some thing like morbid killing I will never stop my mind of what I need Even if you tray to eaten my brain Did you trust my lies? Can you take me to the land of warrior? To enjoying with kill and smashing the heads All the blood inside change my creed I'm looking for the craws to be warm with theme When you find me cry that mean I lost my soul To make me right take me to the silent hole No one can bring me the light again There's only dark with losing and a lot of Pain [Solo] I need to meet my lovely dead skin While I turn off her cloth I return back my darkness soul Feel that I did a wrong thing that makes me in a forsaken land I need to live-in in all my life Did you ever meet a madness savage assassin? Listening to the brutal voice lick the main of losing That I can feel the crow's soul in mine I Can't gate out of my fault Pain Setting on my death throne while I m watching the hill forest surround me Asking my self why I did this fault all the time? Let me listen to the brutal inside me The Hate is my symbol in a dark life stay in this ugly gloomy land These my real enjoying time Let me stay in this gloomy land screams of dead coming from the forest of hate