Inside the ancient tombs That was the mean of the souls Journey to the afterlife For the immortality From them death ceremony Thy was in active operation with offering the meat and drink for them dead From the dead chamber inside (Khufu's) pyramids the ceremony of the dead Anubis the ancient symbol of the underworld who guided and protected the spirits of the dead. He was the Lord of the Hallowed Land - the necropolis - and (Khenty Amentiu), The Land of the Dead was thought to be to the west of (Ankh-Tawy) where thy buried their dead. (Khenty Amentiu) was the name of a previous canine deity Who was superseded by Anubis. The worship of Anubis was an ancient one From the pyramid texts of (Unas), his role was already clear He was associated with the Eye of Horus And he was already thought to be the guide of the dead in the afterlife Showing them the way to Osiris. In the text it was written that "Unas stranded towards valley of death” No one of the black souls can bewitches them dead Anubis was the protector of embalming and guardian of both the mummy and the necropolis. At the ancient golden gates Osiris took over many of Anubis' jobs as caretaker and protector of the dead He was the symbol of embalming who presided over the funerary rituals. The funerary priests would wear a mask of the jackal god during the mummification process Inside the dead chamber the opening of the body