Mysticism Black

Erudition Part II: Wisdom

Mysticism Black

Have pride in the death of yourself 
Die in the name of him 
Your soul, the highest order 
For your beauty, for your strength 

A kingdom so free and pure 
Away from Christ, away from the weak 
I do not need to eat the earth's fruit 
For I was born of his wisdom 

Summon your courage! 
And undefiled wisdom! 
I promise Christ will bow 
For all men may reach perfection. 

"There is a way which seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death." - Proverb 14:12 

Fear will not decline my evolution 
I am a creator, who himself is creation. 
My lord, who manifest in purity and divine wisdom 
Who knows no fear, Where shame does not exist 

You hold the most powerful of weaponry inside 
Wild and free is thought, which you must explore 
Error, a term you shall be unaware of 
For you will have the universe in your hands 

"Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits,
I adjure thee to leave thine abode,
in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated,
and come hither to communicate with me." - Edward Waite 

Death, the passage of purity, a path which must be walked. 
The serpent will guide you, the ancient wisdom is he. 

The brightest star, the first, will guide you 
The morning's son will bring a new dawn 
The 12 wings of him awaits the chosen 
As does his cruelness, his beauty, his wisdom.